3 great links a day > trends and insights
A.I. artwork and other 13 Trends in Graphic Design for 2021 graphcore and other 49 most innovative companies in 2020 29,6% more creative and other 2020 insights from wetransfer’s #ideasreport
A.I. artwork and other 13 Trends in Graphic Design for 2021 graphcore and other 49 most innovative companies in 2020 29,6% more creative and other 2020 insights from wetransfer’s #ideasreport
no-kill meat on sale for the first time (singapore) stop saying what’s the problem we’re trying to solve susan sontag, the rolling stone interview***
Time does not exist: Carlo Rovelli at TEDxLakeComo Better brain health | DW Documentary*** Photographer Hiroji Kubota on the subject of HOME
how the virus got out * a smart nytimes visualisation roaring out of recession * a HBR analysis on management styles are you generous these days? * matthew syed for the bbc
how human emotion gave birth to the archetypes 21st century hobbies: home algae farming the first living programmable organisms***
***meet the augmented human by space10 the origin of viruses new state of matter: the superionic ice